John Doe


Associate Professor
Department of Geography
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Office-Phone : 053-943575
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  • Ph.D. in Comparative Politics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • B.A. (2nd Class Honor) in Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Sociology and Development in Southeast Asia 
  • Social Sciences Theories
  • Social and Cultural Theories
  • Seminar on Current Issues in Sociology and Anthropology
  • Seminar on the Practice of Social Research

  • Sociology of Science and Technology
  • Contemporary Sociological and Anthropological Theories
  • Reading and Writing Skills in Social Sciences
  • Social Movements in Southeast Asia
  • Social Theory
  • Labour and Labour Organization
  • Culture of Capitalism,Marxism

  • Kengkij Kitirianglarp. (2018). “Thailand Mapped: A New History of the Geo-Body of a Nation” New Mandala Online (4 May 2018) 
  • Kengkij Kitirianglarp. (2017). “Chiangmai: The Future of the Creative Economy in Thailand,” in Pavin Chachavalpongpun ed., The Blooming Years: Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp. 433-437.
  • Kengkij Kitirianglarp. (2016). “American Empire and the Birth of Anthropology in Thailand: The Case of Suthep Soonthornpasuch,” in Wararak Chalermpuntusak ed., More than Geographical Connectivity: A (subtly) driving force from historical legacies and cultural aspects. Centre for ASEAN and International Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. pp. 81-105.